In the Israel there are enemies who are behind the fence but many times the impression is that we have lost direction what we want to build in Israel and what future we want for our children, everyone is smearing everyone A controversial example is the legal reform Why do we need legal reform?
Because the legal system is simply collapsing An example of this is that we have the flag law according to which anyone who disrespects the Israeli flag receives 60 thousand lei or 3 years in prison. In the last decade, not a single person has been punished according to the law and we continue to see very harsh videos on television almost every day about disrespecting the Israeli flag
Which arouse great anger in the public
Let’s get back to our subject Legal reform has a strong emotional component and everyone accuses everyone of personal interests in rejecting or accepting the legal reform
We tried to stay away from “emotional” issues and consider only the logical
Posts “against” and “for” the reform from the perspective of the scheming.
It is important to note that even “in favor” of the reform is not exactly in favor of the reform proposed by the coalition, but rather a perspective on the problematic situation that currently exists.
We would love to hear your opinions because every opinion is important to us.
תצטרפו אלינו בפייסבוק: amechad israel
קבוצה בפייסבוק:
קבוצה שלנו בטלגרם:
עמותה מצפן אזרחי. חקיקה למען עתיד ישראל.
שני פוסטים “בעד רפורמה” שמסבירים עיקרון הסניוריטי והגברה סף נדרש לפניה לבגץ (מעורבות בג”ץ).
א. עיקרון הסניוריטי
ב.הגברת סף הנדרש להגשת עתירה (פנייה) לבג”ץ (זכות העמידה)
ג.התנגדות לרפורמה: בג”ץ לא יכול לפסול חוק שנקרא “חוק יסוד”
ד.התנגדות לשינוי לשינוי הרכב הוועדה לבחירת שופטים