Why must we write a constitution in Israel?

Good morning, thinking about how to draw your attention to the question “Where are we going?”, Why did my neighbor who had things stolen from his car today bring a picture! Of the thief to the police and the policeman asked “Does the neighbor have insurance?”, Why is there a “kingdom where a deputy succeeds as director” in the country? Yes, I’m talking about the High Court, the principle of “seniority. I was once in a country in Asia and there the head of municipal health was also the son of the minister of health. So what are we going in the right direction? Yesterday I met a group of people who care. “Citizens Writing a Constitution” Association http://www.huka.co.il I understood that they are asked questions and receive answers “Before the political elections, they promise everything including the moon”.
So what is the direction? What is the future of our children, how to change the situation and demand that politicians keep promises?
Every society starts with a “social charter”, every country starts with a “constitution”, if there is no social charter the society goes bankrupt, if there is no constitution the country is going to fall apart.
A constitution answers the question both for ourselves and also shows the whole world whether we are building an apartheid state or a democratic state. Otherwise we have no explanation for the whole world Representatives of the Arab sector talk about discrimination. Why is there supposed to be a “law on affirmative action” in our country? Why do we even need a “law on discrimination in our country”, what is the connection between religion and the state?
We believe that it is necessary to write a constitution in Israel. In simple terms, a regime in Israel and the basic laws that explain parts of a constitution.
We must change the current situation in the country: the collapse of the political: elections every two years, lack of trust in politicians, violent demonstrations, an unclear connection to religion, hatred between sectors, harm to equality in the burden. Confusion between rights and roles of rights: Ministers (executive branch) elected from the Knesset (legislative branch) leads to “wars between the High Court of Justice and the Knesset, political “bribe” in the state budget sections and waste of money to want to do in segments and absence/disregard (as if there were no funds) in the programs.
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Civil Compass Association. Legislation for the Future of Israel.
A simple explanation link to the “need to write Constitution”:

Link to the website of the “Citizens Writing a Constitution” association: